Artist Vidal Corona
Width - 6.25 inches
Height - 1.25 inches
Weight - 7 ounces
This is a delicate display dish by Artist Vidal Corona. An offering of one of these is quite rare. Señor Coronas skill and love for nature is on full display in this piece. The plate features two hummingbirds feeding off of two flowers. The background is created by overlapping circles of red. All the details are conjured through very deft and careful etching of the different shades of glaze through to the underlying white clay. The detail of the birds eyes and feather tips and feet are wonderful. The back of the plate is glazed entirely in eggshell white with the Masters signature etched in.
This plate is quite delicate. I provide an acrylic stand for folks who want to display this upright. It is equally as beautiful displayed lying flat.
Señor Corona signs his works on the bottom.
Be sure to see my other pottery and jewelry.